Maui Liberty Network
Joe Kent and Valerie Sineros created a TV show to bring the factions of the liberty movement together. It doesn’t matter if you are a liberal, or a conservative, if you’re a 99 percenter, or a Tea Partier, if your a democrat, republican, libertarian, or an independent – if you care about liberty, then tune in to the Maui Liberty Network, where we talk about freedom vs government in a fun and honest way.
Joe Kent’s Blog
Hundreds of articles, about a wide range of topics from a libertarian perspective. GMOs, Gun Control, Gay Marriage, Healthcare, Religion, and Economics.
Legalize Marijuana
Joe Kent is a square. He has never had a drink of alcohol or a puff of cigarette, and he’s NEVER smoked marijuana. Really! But he fights for your right to do so. It’s time to end the drug war, it costs too much money, and it’s ruined too many lives. Here, Joe is interviewing Aaron Andersen about the Roger Christie case in Hawaii.
Libertarian Ambassador
Joe has given many speeches and interviews on what it means to be a libertarian. Here he is with fellow libertarian Phil Heath, on “Take Liberty” with Lawrence Carnicelli.
Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment
Joe Kent and Valerie Sisneros interview Mark Redeker about guns on this controversial show, shown across the state. Short version: freedom works.
Economic Miracles
Joe has studied economics at the Mises Academy for four years, in the Austrian tradition of Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard. Here he is chatting with fellow Austrian Economist, Ken Schoolland. Ken wrote “The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible”.
Libertarian Chair
Joe Kent was the Chair of the Maui Libertarian Party. He also edited the newsletter, ran the website, and advocated for libertarian solutions at every turn!
Community Leader
Raising thousands of dollars for charity, helping kids before school and after school programs, and even running a community board game night — Joe is busy! Here he is organizing the very first meeting of the Maui Libertarian Party!
Enemy of the State
Watch this documentary created by Joe Kent, about Murray Rothbard’s classic “Anatomy of the State”. The documentary shows what the state truly is:
the monopoly of force.