
Sugar Cane Burning

Growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii, I remember stories of how the sugar cane industry died so long ago, and how the Big Island economy died along with it.  So when I first moved to Maui, I was in awe.  Out the window of the airplane, I saw beautiful green fields of […]

The Market for Open Spaces

One day I was leaving a county council meeting on Maui, and I got in the elevator with a group of older ladies. I pretended to ignore them while I listened intently.

“Can you believe it? We did it! We got the government to buy the land!”

“Thank goodness,” another lady said, “I was afraid the […]

Why is Rent Rising on Maui?

I’m paying $1000 a month to live in a tiny studio on the west side of Maui. This is comparable to rent in New York City, except that gas and groceries are cheaper in New York. Why is rent going up on Maui?

Ask most people and they’ll say, “It’s because of greed.  Landlords are […]

5 Tough Questions for Democrats

I like democrats because they are very honest and they have big hearts. But as a libertarian, I often scratch my head, wondering how democrats would answer these questions.

1) When you read a list of all the questionable things Obama has done, is he still a “good president”?

For example:

He continues to hunt down Edward […]