I like democrats because they are very honest and they have big hearts. But as a libertarian, I often scratch my head, wondering how democrats would answer these questions.

1) When you read a list of all the questionable things Obama has done, is he still a “good president”?

For example:


2) Do democrats have principles? If so, what are they?

We Libertarians are often confused at both Republicans and Democrats because we see them as not having any principles.  When Democrats come into the Presidency, they often just continue the same Republican policies, and vice versa. We know you all must have SOME kind of principles, just um, what are they?


3) Why can the government do things that would be illegal if you or I did it?

For example:

It’s illegal to take somebody’s land, yet when the government does it, it’s called eminent domain.

It’s illegal to kill, yet when the government does it, it’s called war.

It’s illegal to own slaves, yet when the government does it, it’s called conscription.

It’s illegal to print money, yet when the government does it, it’s called “quantitative easing” by the Federal Reserve.

It’s illegal to spy on our neighbors, yet the government can spy on us.

It’s illegal to kidnap, yet when the government does it, it’s called indefinite detention.

It’s illegal to steal, yet when the government does it, it’s called taxation.

Why is it okay for the government, but not for us?


4) Libertarians are anti-war and pro-civil liberties.  Is the only reason you are not a libertarian because of our pro free-market stance?

Lately, libertarians have been asking, “Could we be more aligned with the democrats than the republicans?”  It’s an important question.  What do you think?


5) Sure the free-market is flawed.  But the government is also flawed.  So isn’t it utopian to think that the government could ever manage the free-market?

Politicians are untrustworthy.  They take bribes, they wheel and deal, and they use government power to help favored corporations.  It’s called “crony capitalism”.  So is the solution to crony capitalism really just “more cronies”?  If politicians are untrustworthy, how is the solution: more politicians?